Welt Imobiliare Central Headquarters

Opened in 2003, this office was and remains at the core of Welt Imobiliare. This is the most dynamic of the three offices, set among the restlessness characteristic of city centres everywhere. It is in this office that the best agents in Welt Imobiliare and some of the best agents in Cluj-Napoca have made the first stepts into real estate. 

The central office is where the values with which we have set up the foundations of the brand that is today Welt Imobiliare blend effortlessly with the energy and vision of the youngest part of the Welt Imobiliare team: graduates of psychology, sociology, public relations and PR etc.

Cătălin Bonte
Senior Broker
Ro En Fr De It
Lucian Rogojan
Senior Broker
Ro En Fr It
Tudor Cotîrlă
Senior Broker
Ro En It
Tudor Marc
Senior Broker
Ro En
Natalia Zaharia
Senior Broker
Ro Ru
Bogdan Petru
Senior Broker
Ro En
Raul Gavrilă
Senior Broker
Ro En
Constantin Nicola
Senior Broker
Ro En
Vili Apostol-Farcaș
Senior Broker
Ro En Fr It
Călin Pipaș
Senior Broker
Ro En
Radu Pop
Ro Fr
Paula Robu
Ro En
Delia Pop
Claudia Oniga
Customer Service Agent
Ro En Fr De It
Dana Mihai
Customer Service Agent
Ro En
Ștefania Pilca
Customer Service Agent
Ro En
Angela Holdiș
Administrative Coordinator
Ro En Fr
Ioana Gabor
Assistant Manager
Ro En Fr
Dalma Pipaș
Assistant Manager
Ro En Hu
Valentin Teodorescu
General Manager