The present policy refers to the cookies and similar technology used, depending on the case, on the websites operated by WELT IMOBILIARE LLC with headquarters în Cluj-Napoca municipality, 24, 21 Decembrie 1989 Boulevard, Cluj county, registered at the Trade Register as no. J12/2829/2005, VAT identification number RO17834736, and WELT LLC with headquarters în Cluj-Napoca municipality, 9, Liviu Rebreanu Street, Cluj county, registered at the Trade Register as no. J12/549/2002, VAT identification number RO14535608. We comply with the legal dispositions regarding personal data protection provided in EU Regulation 2016/679 and we enforce technical and organizational measures to protect all operations directly or indirectly regarding personal data, in order to prevent unauthorized or illegal data processing, as well as accidental or illegal destruction of data. This policy is complementary to the Privacy Policy regarding personal data protection which includes the types of data collected, the purposes of collection, your rights and other information regarding the data protection officer and supervisory authority.
A cookie is a special text, frequently encrypted, sent by a server to a web surfer and then sent back (unmodified) by the surfer, each time the same server is accessed. These being only text, they can not execute any operation. Furthermore, they are not spyware software or computer viruses.
Cookies are used by web servers to differentiate between users and to react according to their actions during a session consisting of many separate transactions, as well as the processing of your IP address. These help to create a friendly experience on our website, that is tailored to the preferences and interests of each user. We use the services of the following third-parties in order to offer features, statistics, marketing, market research, tracking and monitoring. Google Analytics Category: Analysis Purpose: Web analytics Duration: 50 monthsPolicies:, AdWords Category: Marketing Scop: Remarketing Duration: 50 monthsPolicies:, Facebook Category: MarketingPurpose: Remarketing Duration: 28 daysPolicies: OwnCategory: necessaryPurpose: website functionalityDuration: work session
Cookies themselves cannot request personal information in order to be used, nor can they personally identify internet users. There are however situations in which personal data can be collected through the use of cookies in order to facilitate certain features for the user or to offer the user an experience tailored to his/her preferences. Such data is encrypted in a manner that renders unauthorized access impossible.
Usually, browsers have integrated confidentiality settings that offer different levels of cookie acceptance, cookie duration and automatic deletion after a user visited a certain website. Most modern browsers support cookies; they allow the user to make a choice regarding the use of cookies. The most frequent options are: (1) No cookies are used, (2) browser asks for the user’s permission for each cookie, or (3) all cookies are accepted. You may customise settings regarding cookies to ensure a comfortable level for you and cookie security.
If you would like to know more about cookies and their use, we recommend you access the following links: